Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Gettin there...

14days, 13 rides and only 2 outside.  Guess this is why I try to find whatever stimulation I can (CT, TA, SRMonline - I actually like all three running simultaneously) a TV or PC running cycling content and now (potentially) the new hillSimulator (more on that later)...


I think I found a solution for my on-ride TA problem here and I will hopefully be riding outside like a full dork with SRM, GPS, ibike and this thing strapped to my bike recording TA data on the road.  Maybe NOW I can finally get SRM to change the TA software settings to record more than 30s of TA data....


As another side note, this being the wacky gear month, I think I have decided (with much appreciated input from Coggan, Lonestar and Justin) that my original idea is the fairest way to determine the efficacy of some training tools... currently the list to test is:


  • PowerPedals
  • SideMountPedals
  • Q-rings

Proocol to be ride ~ minutes sub-threshold @ 3 different power levels (150, 200, 250w for ex) with each tool and again with standard parts (round rings, std pedals).  Compare results.


Anyone have suggestions?  Sure n>1, anything else?


BTW, just out of curiousity, how many people out there really read this?  A few weeks ago I turned on comments for the first time.  If you read this regularly (or even sporadically), please leave a comment :D




At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it. Not as often as I did the Mops but I check back often to see what’s new.

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read...

At 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I check it out...



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