Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Force-Velocity testing with a SRM + Torque Analysis



I have posted here before aboutTA, but this seems like an interesting application...


Andy posted this today:


Coming full circle...


And so I jumped right in.  I thought the TA would also provide some insight (see plot above of my fourth and best run).


Justin went first and did well (with a peak of 1097w).


I now had a target and did my runs. I hit a nice 1215w (the best I have ever achieved on the trainer - but still about 200w less than my best ever from a CX race).


Here is a quick and dirty QA and simple trendlines...I need to clean it up to get some of the real good stuff from step 7 in Andy's post:



(btw: all images are bigger - click away!)


more to, spreadsheets etc.



more plots:







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