Saturday, December 09, 2006

First REAL ride on the ibike...

I played with it one day outside before.  But didn't really calibrate it well (didn't weight bike+rider+kit).


Today, almost two weeks later weather, babysitters and fate finally conviened for me to ride outside with it again.


This time I paid attention to the calibration.


I had a great ride with Jess, then dropped him off and set off on the cotton bottom/wasatch loop again.  Ran into Kevin and Kerri as they were coming back from the CB.  Rode north with them and again, dropped them off in the neighborhood.  So kept heading north to 17th S, up o Wasatch (kinda makes watching the ibike slope entertaining!) then across the parley's overpass and down the back way between 33rd and 39th.


All in all F U N.


So here is a little tidbit of data:



ave 162w

norm 201w

1604 kJ

TSS 155.2

VI 1.24

ave 150w

norm 197w


TSS 148.8

VI 1.32


and a pic:



yellow = srm | green = ibike | orange = altitude

not to shabby... now download the cadence and HR and it is really getting pretty close.  There appears to be several scenarios where the ibike severely under-reports (pedalling downhill), but give it a little slope and it really is impressive.


more to follow.




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