Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A Ride with something to prove...

After the dismal stateTT... I took a beautiful sunday off the bike.

Yesterday, I rode chasing daylight (and probably would have had another half an hour if there weren't any cloud).


Dunno why, but I was motivated and went pretty hard.  Not TT hard, but jumping every chance, riding hard uphills etc.


For example, Pave was only 228w, Pnorm was 285w (VI of 1.25!!!).


I racked up 122 TSS in 1:05.



By comparison, @ state TT, I only got 113TSS, and Pnorm for the TT was 260w.


So it certainly wasn't my best performance as evidenced here:

So sugarhouse crit should be interesting since it is JUNE, and my first mass start race of the season.  If I make it 10 laps, I will be extactic!




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