Wednesday, June 27, 2007

4 Device Ride

Yesterday I hooked the kids to the trailer, and dragged it to and around Sugarhouse Park.


It is more of a data collecting experiment for me (as I am about to take the <gasp> SRM off the bike to test a crankset).



The ibike wasn't calibrated to the trailer weight and costdown, but still did surpisingly well considering.


The Ptap had some drop outs which I think are either the sharkfin is too close or the edge was dislodging the ptap head from the cradle.


The edge is far from perfect as the altitue profile of the three laps of sugarhouse show slightly different profiles.


Take a look for yourself:









Draw your own conclusions but I will offer up a little more analysis on data that is a little better prepared (no drop outs, calibrated ibike etc).



Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Another Saltair.


So either the position on the fixie sucks (doesn't measure that different) or something is wonky.


Busted out a nice 290w for the last saltair and ran the fixie TT with a 54x15t.  But went slow.


Bogged down a bit and with some looking @ chainrings etc, I will take another go at it but swap the 54x15 for a 50x14.  Should give a max speed close to some of my fastest times out there (50kph) but with the meat of the powerband right @ 100rpms (vs the 80 of the larger combo).


also should pick up a few watts from the improved drivetrain effecieny.







Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A Ride with something to prove...

After the dismal stateTT... I took a beautiful sunday off the bike.

Yesterday, I rode chasing daylight (and probably would have had another half an hour if there weren't any cloud).


Dunno why, but I was motivated and went pretty hard.  Not TT hard, but jumping every chance, riding hard uphills etc.


For example, Pave was only 228w, Pnorm was 285w (VI of 1.25!!!).


I racked up 122 TSS in 1:05.



By comparison, @ state TT, I only got 113TSS, and Pnorm for the TT was 260w.


So it certainly wasn't my best performance as evidenced here:

So sugarhouse crit should be interesting since it is JUNE, and my first mass start race of the season.  If I make it 10 laps, I will be extactic!



Monday, June 04, 2007

State TT recap...

Well, again, my beliefs are confirmed.  That I hate that course and apparently, it hates me.


I am not one two cramp, but did it saturday.  About halfway outbound.


I held back on the starting climb, holding a little over 300w up it as in the past I have blown my whole race and been unable to recover from it.  Got caught by my 30s man and didn't panic.  Bombed the descent on the narrow bars hitting 72.3kph.  Caught the 30s man back and put some distance between us.


Thne the left calf went.  I limped along and tryed to keep pushing it, but every slight rise it was going or threatening to fully cramp into a knot of steel.  Then close to the turnaround the right calf joined in.  By the turnaround I had be caught back by the 30s man, the 1min man and (don't remember) probably the 1:30 by then.  Fun.


Down the backside with the longer climb ahead, it was all I could do to keep going.


2min man caught and passed me.


But hey, I didn't get last!  A lowsy 250w average (but not a bad ratio of speed to power @ 38kph on 249w).



And here is the wind "data" (the highlighted portion is ~ when I was out there):



If they continue to have state TT there, you won't see me there.  I have learned my lesson (4x over).



Friday, June 01, 2007

Tomorrow is the big day...

State TT.  One of my favorite races of the year.  And at the course that hates me the most...


Here is todays weather for pacing ideas...


So this info goes into my pacing strategy (along with  acutal measurements from the field when I get there).


But looks like my start time of 10:33 isn't a bad time to go if the weather holds...



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