Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Torque Analysis, Rotor Rings, rear-set cleats and an SRM

Finally spent some time tonight mucking around with my bike, my rings, my cleats etc.


I have been riding with the speedplay cleat adaptor for about two weeks in the most rear-set position (allowing a setback 25mm behind where I was before under the ball of the foot).


I have also been toying with the Rotor rings as well.


Here are two plots from tonight (average of 30s pedaling on an erg):





I will let you draw your own conclusions for now...


more to follow



Friday, May 25, 2007

SaltAir 5-24

well, it was not my day in many ways...


1) the backwards cleat position has not helped my foot pain, but has dropped off some of the power.


a month ago I ripped a solid 15:35 on training wheels @ ~290w.


today I barely managed a 265w ave for the first run (and a measely 240w for the second.


2) I also ran two runs today and tried two sets of wheels.



oh, and jason, I hope you don't mind me throwing that up there (if so, drop me a line and I will rip it down).


these are just REALLY rough cuts on the data.  But it looks good as I started the season ~.345+/-


3) last but not least - dammit I have got to learn to check the kestrel for the auto off setting.



the highlighted portion is the start of run 1.


more to follow...



Friday, May 18, 2007

Mula de prueba



Kyle asked about something that I have been running for a few months...


hope this helps you Kyle...



Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Any takers?

Which of these is faster?  Which has a lower CdA?  Which has wider elbows?



no field test data yet, perhaps saturday.  I have my suspicions based on the work of some friends...


back profiles:



we shall see if the intuitive answer is the correct one.


Just goes to show, there are always gains to be had, even mid-season.



Friday, May 11, 2007

Another Saltair Windspeed Graph...

I ran like crap last night as my stomach disapproved of the effort.


But thought the 3 people reading this might want to see this (vs. the last one two weeks ago).



Clearly there is a trend developing in start times and windspeed.


More to follow as I hope to assemble a full database of data from this years saltair TTs...



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