Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Instead of calling me about my laptop within 24hrs like they said, they shipped it back to me. Should be here thursday (so much for promised overnight shipping both directions - it went ground to them and came back 2-day to me).

Any takers on weither it last past the 12hrs the last "fix" lasted?

Now with a real pc (kinda sucks coaching from a balackberry), I can get back to it and some of my outstanding projects...

1) Looking @ EPOC and how it tracks with ctl/tsb/atl.

2) Playing with a new sleeptracker pro and seeing how sleep patterns work with the important pmc #s as well.

3) Logging r-r intervals during sleep in conjunction with the sleeptracker pro, looking for an indication of/lack of overtraining patterns.

And the non-linear cadence and cranklength for tt setups are going to be ongoing winter projects...

More to follow...


greg steele
Sent from my CrackBerry wireless handheld (please excuse typos)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Acer update...

Is no update. They promised (saturday) to call within 24hrs with an update and figure out what the hell is going on.

I finally got a tech to say that they might be able to call this a lemon and issue a new machine (with my hdd I hope!!!), but that it has to come from a supervisor. So here's hoping a supervisor calls me today.

Maybe they can just send me my hdd and some $$$ and I can go to the apple store and get the mbp I really wanted in the first place.

As an aside, for a change, in the past 5 days I have ridden 4 of them. Shocking really. Rode the rollers last night and this morning. And since I really am in weight-loss-mode, this is the heaviest I have ever been, two-a-days are in order. So 30-60mins in the am and 30-1:30 in the evenings until race weight is achieved.

Interesting that 90+ rpms seemed soo hard. My cadence has really dropped without much formal training and the rollers are perfect to bring it back up to speed.

Also interesting is the difference between last nights ride on the dyno-mytes vs. this mornings ride on the std. alloys. Same gear, 150w on the stds, almost 250w on the mytes...


greg steele

Sent from my CrackBerry wireless handheld (please excuse typos)

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Yup, sept 15th. That was the day I sent my laptop to acer in temple.

Let's see, today is nov24th, so that makes monday going on 10 weeks.

I call almost everyday now. Found out today that they ordered the motherboard on nov19th.

Hmmm. Does that mean they ever received the second one and it showed up bad (again)?

When are they going to cut their (and my) losses and call a lemon a lemon?

greg steele
Sent from my CrackBerry wireless handheld (please excuse typos)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Acer update...

So they have another motherboard and supposed to install today. Maybe by the end of the week I can have my pc back. Or maybe I will have a mac by then.

I have had some complications that have kept me off the bike for several weeks. Tried to ride a couple times, but any attempt has been both painful and have had to keep it under l2.

Hopefully more to follow...

greg steele
Sent from my CrackBerry wireless handheld (please excuse typos)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Test post via email

Laptop getting 2nd motherboard in as many weeks. They have had the damn thing for 2 months...

More to follow if this posts.

greg steele
Sent from my CrackBerry wireless handheld (please excuse typos)

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